Zach, you are a beautiful, beautiful soul. I’m wishing you all the luck in the world. I’d love to hold your book in my hands, smell its paper pages and read it’s delicious prose. Imposter syndrome sucks but you’ve got this!

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I feel like I know how you feel. I spent from 2020 - 2023 writing a novel that has swum in my head for about 5 years previously.

I made a list of 100 hundred agents and I’m at 83 rejections so far. But I’ll keep writing as I enjoy it

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Zach J. Payne

I have had a novel banging around in my head and only partially on paper for the better part of ten years, and have never been brave enough to finish, much less approach agents like you and @danielpeteready have. You are all brave and wonderful and therefore have succeeded, in my eyes. I will read your books.

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Good luck! Querying is the worst. Fingers crossed for you!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Zach J. Payne

I understand "I barely even like myself".

If you can fix this, even a bit, that will help with a lot of things.

You have a fan club here.

We know you are beautiful, intelligent, hard working, entertaining, sincere.

But that isn't the important thing.

You are enough.

Just the way you are, you can love you.

You don't need to "be" anything else. You "are".

Loving yourself is hard. I have trouble with it. We are here for you. Well, I am not a paid member yet. Hmm.




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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Zach J. Payne

Fixed it. I am now a paid subscriber.

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I’ve had to reestablish my relationship with querying recently as well. While I’m doing it, the results of querying doesn’t make you and less credible as a writer! Even though it feels that way. Your work is your work and it will find its audience no matter how you decide to pursue it

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I feel the same way about trying to pitch any of my longform projects.

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